Domestic : Design & Installation

Many people find they either over-water plants, don’t have time to water or face unnecessarily large water bills. Water Power Echuca can save you time and money in your garden.

We perform on-site visits and evaluation services to determine what type of watering design will best suit you. Our design services include spacing sprinklers or drip systems to ensure proper coverage.

Installing a professionally designed watering system adds considerable value to your property.

We can install your watering system in just a few days with minimal disturbance to your lawns.

Sub-Surface Watering Systems

Water Power specialises in leading-edge subsurface watering systems, to conserve up to 60% of the water used by sprinkler systems, save you money and comply with tight water restrictions.

Subsurface watering systems deliver water only where it’s needed and eliminate the problems of over spray, wind drift and run off.

Waterpower’s range of subsurface watering systems are affordable and easy to install. Talk to one of our consultants for the perfect solution for your lawn and garden.

Manual or Automatic Watering Systems

You can choose between manual or automatic watering systems. Automated systems measure how long to water in each area of the garden, while a manual system needs to be turned on and off during specific times.

Water Power can also install automatic rain sensors that detect when watering is not necessary, saving you water and money.

We recommend an automated system for maximum efficiency as your garden can be watered at night, meaning better water pressure and less evaporation.